It’s hard to imagine a more intense situation than running into the transition area of a triathlon. Your heart rate is through the roof, there are tons of spectators and the clock is ticking. You’re trying to get your bearings (hey, when did the sun come up?!?) and get in and out as quickly as possible. So what can you do to streamline your process and avoid the pratfalls and foibles that plague so many beginners?
What the Heck is a “Transition” in Triathlon?
For those new to the sport of triathlon, the concept of transitions can seem a bit foreign. In what other world are you timed by how fast you can put on your shoes?
“Transition” refers to the stage of the race where the athlete will switch from one discipline to another. It is made up of two sections, transition one (T1) where the athlete will switch from swimming to biking, and transition two (T2) where the switch is from biking to running.
T1- The primary focus here is for the athlete to get their wetsuit or swimming attire off, their helmet on and grab any accouterments they will need for the bike leg. The timer starts once the athlete enters the transition area and ends once they cross the “Bike Mount” line. Note: you are NOT allowed to get on your bike until after you’ve crossed this line.
T2- Similar to the start of the bike, when you approach T2 there is a “Bike Dismount” line at which point you must be OFF your bike before crossing. Once into transition, the focus is to get your bike back on the rack, put your running shoes on and grab any items you’ll need for the run.